Warning: This article contains spoilers for Sunday newspaper front pages. Read ahead at your own risk!
Every Saturday evening/Sunday morning, with the help of the Twitterati, we chose a selection of Sunday front pages for your delectation.
Have we missed a golden front page? Wanna talk about your favourite of the bunch? Comment below and vote for your favourite. You can even tweet using the#SPASundayPapers hashtag if you feel like it.
The Sunday Times
Sunday Times front page: Cameron hit by double blow on EU #tomorrowspaperstoday#bbcpaperspic.twitter.com/Xp3UZzv2Is
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015
- Ruling in the ECHR on votes for prisoners bodes ill for David Cameron…
- …just as the campaign to get Britain out of Europe fires up its thrusters!
The Sunday Telegraph
Sunday Telegraph: SAS ‘beefed up’ to take fight to Isil #RWC2015#tomorrowspaperstodaypic.twitter.com/Io5CQruy4E
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015
- Call of Duty to become factual documentary as the government promises a huge investment in drone technology to fight Isis.
- England bows out of the Rugby World Cup. (Advance warning: this is a bit of a recurring theme on the front pages this week…)
Mail on Sunday
Mail on Sunday front page – Torture Brit: My 14 years of agony #tomorrowspaperstoday#bbcpapers#ShakerAamerpic.twitter.com/7Mt09I1wOa
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015
- The Mail has led on an exclusive interview with Shaker Aamer, the last British citizen to be held in Guantanamo Bay who has now been released.
The Observer
Observer front page: Ministers ‘are hiding details of £2bn NHS cash crisis’ #tomorrowspaperstoday#bbcpaperspic.twitter.com/37akhN6yeT
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015
- The Government has been accused of concealing a potential £2billion deficit in the NHS.
- There’s also a lovely tribute to Denis (Lord) Healey, former Labour Chancellor and Deputy Leader, who died on Saturday aged 98.
Sunday Post
Sunday Post front page: My Carstairs killing spree #tomorrowspaperstoday#bbcpaperspic.twitter.com/aAYtzcOIHM
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015
- Scotland’s Sunday Post has an interview with a serial killer and prison escapee, Robert Mone.
- Inside the newspaper is a magazine dedicated to Scotland’s proudest moments.
Independent on Sunday
Updated Independent on Sunday front page: England Regrets #RWC2015 #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers #ENGvAUS pic.twitter.com/JI1jMF6lLz
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015
- IoS second edition leads on England ejection from world cup, describing it as a “wipeout”
- Subs cleverly juxtapose with impending questions over so-called ‘Brexit’: Britain’s potential withdrawal from the EU
Sun on Sunday
Sunday’s Sun front page: Ripper Out – sick killer in NHS trip near public #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers pic.twitter.com/m0PkPhEPjA
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) October 3, 2015Scotland’s Sunday Post has an interview with a serial killer and prison escapee, Robert Mone.
- World picture exclusive of Peter Sutcliffe, dubbed the ‘Yorkshire Ripper’ emerging from an eye clinic
- David Cameron also tells the newspaper he could lead the EU ‘out’ campaign if negotiations don’t prove fruitful