Wow, is it nearly Sunday already? It can only mean one thing…

Every Saturday evening/Sunday morning, with the help of the Twitterati, we chose a selection of Sunday front pages for your delectation.

Have we missed a golden front page? Wanna talk about your favourite of the bunch? Comment below and vote for your favourite. You can even tweet using the#SPASundayPapers hashtag if you feel like it.

The Sunday Times

  • Main story is that three former Prime Ministers will fight the EU referendum calling for Britain to stay in.
  • The paper also have the story that Jerey Corbyn reportedly went on a hike, instead of visiting the Queen to accept an invitation to the privy council on Thursday.



The Sunday Telegraph


  • Report that David Cameron and his cabinet have outlined a four point plan of key demands in Europe
  • These include Britain being kept out of a further development of the Union, a statement that the Euro is not the official currency of the EU, giving parliaments the right to scrap some EU laws and a new structure.
  • Also a report on Jeremy Corbyn’s links with the IRA




Mail on Sunday


  • The Mail reveals that Labour deputy-leader Tom Watson, is related to a peadophile ‘scoutmaster’




The Observer


  • There are calls for safe-havens and no-fly zones in Syria, as a cross-party bid for military action seems likely




Sunday Post


  • Fury that the boss of the animal charity SSPCA is receiving £230,000 a year.
  • A mention that Scotland have officially reached the last eight in the Rugby World Cup, to play Australia next weekend.



Independent on Sunday


  • The Independent have an exclusive, that the Shadow Home Secretary told Theresa May that checks on tenants undermine the Prime Minister’s pledge on prejudice.
  • A story on the terrorist attack in Turkey yesterday, where 95 people died.

