Do you love student media? Well then we’re looking for you!

The Student Publication Association is the UK’s largest student media movement with over 130 member publications.

We are looking to appoint 9 Regional Officers to work with the national Executive Committee in supporting our members locally.

Applicants can be current students, recent graduates or staff who work closely with student media. We just want to see that you have a passion for supporting our members.


The SPA is also looking for three driven project officers to help deliver a smooth running to the association. Positions avaliable are:

Alumni Officer – Managing our growing alumni network and keeping them engaged with the SPA following their graduation.


Admin Officer – Dealing with the administrative needs of the organisation including those of the Executive and Regional Officers.


Online Editor – Do you love Flash Friday? Here’s your chance to take the lead on it. We’re looking for someone to manage our website and it’s content.

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Fancy working for our national team? We’re also seeking to recruit a Digital Media Officer to join our Executive Committee.

Applications close on Thursday 12th May, 11:59pm. Questions can be answered by emailing