So, it actually happened – Britain has left the EU. It might be the most historic moment of our lives so far, in a few hours we’ve had a Prime Minster resign, a vote of no confidence in the leader of the opposition, and the First Minister declaring another referendum in Scotland – here’s how you covered it.
Exepose, University of Exeter
Exepose features team did an excellent job of live tweeting the results in a modern multi-media format.
SR news, University of Sunderland
SR news kept a live blog going all through the night and day, getting the counts out quickly and accurately. A great example of getting in done right and on time. SR had a great mix of serious reporting and fun stuff (see, their favourite tweets), the perfect combination for a student audience.
An historic day, Label, University of Loughborough
A great, concise piece summing up everything that’s happened and what it means for students.
The United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union, while Scotland votes unanimously to stay, The Student, University of Edinburgh
Well researched, well-conduted piece, writing exactly for theiraudience about what Brexit means for Scotland.
That’s all for the this week. Be sure to keep tweeting and emailing your best stuff, either to @SPAJournalism or to see it featured next week…