Student journalists across the UK and Ireland are back at it again with diverse articles this week. Everything from hard-hitting opinion pieces, to living on Mars and reviewing Frank Ocean’s album which had finally dropped. 

Here is the best of student media this week.

A Call To End Online Shaming


Megan Talbot, The Courier, University of Aberystwyth 

A really well-written and superbly argued opinion piece about an issue that effects all of us as journalists.

Nanotechnology behind the Evolution of the iPhone


Yongpeng Liu, The GIST, University of Glasgow

A great specialist piece written superbly so anyone can understand.

Review: Frank Ocean, Blond


 Rose Tale, University of Westminster, Smoke Mag

This was the review we were all waiting for. Rose does a great job of building up anticipation and delving into detail about the new album.

The Bake-Off Blog

bake off

Simon Fearn, The Palatinate, University of Durham

We are blessed to have Bake-Off back. Simon’s live-blogging of the episode is hilarious and endearing, just please don’t start questioning whether a Jaffa Cake is a biscuit or a cake…

Social media, pushy parents, peer pressure and the rise of depression in teenage girls


Hollie Geraghty, The National Student, University of Southampton

A really important topic, beautifully written.

Would you live in a City on Mars?


Seb Steele, Wessex Scene, University of Southampton

Excellent piece on science journalism from Wessex Scene, broken down and interactive which is where the industry is going.

That’s all for the this week. Be sure to keep tweeting and emailing your best stuff, either to @SPAJournalism or to see it featured next week…