Keeping you up to date with the Student Publication Association

This month at SPA towers has been jam-packed with exciting announcements and opportunities for all our members – and all of us on the executive committee hope to get as many of you involved as we can.

We opened bids to host our annual conference #SPANC18. You’ve got until Friday, November 24, to get your application in to host the biggest event of the student media calendar. What are you waiting for?! All the details can be found on our website – and any questions should be directed to Megan, on

We’ve also announced the times, dates, locations, and opened entries for our regional conferences and awards – and would love to see as many as possible of you putting yourselves forward. Entries for the SPA’s first ever regional awards close at midnight on November 1. Details are available here, and any questions should go to Conor, on

As always, if you’ve got any questions, or have something you’d like to be included in the next newsletter, drop me a line on or tweet/DM @JessicaFKeyes, or get in touch with the rest of the team here.

Happy Halloween!


Committee updates

Dan Falvey – Chair
With SPARC season taking place throughout November I’ve spent much of the last month working with our regional officers and development officer to make sure these events provide a great opportunity for all our members. We’re also all very excited to be holding our first regional awards!
Jessica Frank-Keyes – Membership & Communication
This month I’ve been working with the committee to make sure as many of you as possible know all about the opportunities we have available at the SPA. From #SPANC18 hosting bids, to SPARC awards, to regional officer roles, the ways to get involved are endless! Check out our website for details.
James Chesson – Digital Media
Splash Sundays should now be appearing on the website on the same day they are sent out to the mailing list. I also made the Regional Conferences & Awards graphic for our announcement post regarding those. We featured a guest post from Sophie Dishman who wrote for us about her work placement at The Times, which you can read here.
Megan Baynes – Marketing & Events
It’s been slightly quieter for marketing this month. I’ve been working to get sponsors for the regional conferences and as we enter SPARC season it looks like it’ll be a busy one. We’ve also opened SPANC hosting bids for 2018 entries so any questions make sure to send them my way – remember, there are no daft questions, only daft people.
Conor Matchett – Development
October saw the launch of the first ever installment of the SPA Regional Awards (which, if you haven’t submitted yet, get on it! Submissions close at midnight on November 1). We also announced the details of all our Regional Conferences – check out all the details for these here. Feel free to email any questions to