Splash Sunday – 29/10

I'm sure it didn't escape anyone's attention that your regularly scheduled drop of the best of student media content failed to land in your inboxes last weekend (right guys?!) However, to make up for it, this week we're bringing you a Halloween bumper special! Its twice the size, (hopefully) twice as scary, and we've even thrown

By |2017-11-01T18:04:03+00:00October 29 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash Sunday – 01/10

Ahhh Freshers' Week. Its easy to look back with rose-tinted, snakebite-fogged spectacles now, at the wise old age of twenty-one, and remember it as the crazy, exciting, hilarious time we'd all like it to have been. In reality, I spent far more time choosing outfits, changing outfits, and straightening my hair, while working up the

By |2017-10-10T11:18:22+00:00October 1 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash ‘Sunday’ – 25/09

The eagle-eyed copy editors among you will have noticed that this is actually a Monday special.. (I blame MailChimp). But what better way to start the week than with a round-up of the best of student media? From academic anxiety and back-to-uni bucket lists, to campus controversy and difficult debates, catch up on your SPA ABCs

By |2017-10-10T11:04:33+00:00September 25 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash Sunday – 17/09

It's officially raincoats, boots, and jumpers season, and if you've haven't been drinking hot chocolate and soup at your desk, then you're missing out. Here's another round of Splash Sunday picks, from your long-suffering (erm, I mean hard-working and dedicated) committee. Hope you enjoy reading them, and if you want an insight into my weekend,

By |2017-10-10T10:58:51+00:00September 17 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash Sunday – 10/09

It's well and truly autumn, if the amount of falling leaves, rain, and advice-for-freshers articles being shared by every publication under the sun, are anything to go by. We've got a fantastic selection of articles for you this week, that (cheesy as it sounds) I think sum up the very best of student media. From SR

By |2017-10-10T10:53:13+00:00September 10 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash Sunday 03/09

The University Times "GAA players are being encouraged to wear rainbow-coloured GAA gloves as part of a new campaign by the National Union of Students-Union of Students in Ireland (NUS-USI) to promote LGBT rights." To Ireland, and to a really cool story about a scheme aiming to promote LGBT rights through sport. Definitely worth a

By |2017-09-25T20:06:35+00:00September 3 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash Sunday 27/08

The Gown "Considered one of the most influential figures of British pop, Morrissey’s music is characterised by self-deprecation, black humour, and a sense of ‘Englishness,’ which is constantly encouraged by its use of exclusively English vernacular."This is an enjoyable review of the Morrissey biopic, with particular praise reserved for the film's lead. - James Chesson

By |2017-08-30T14:44:14+00:00August 27 2017|Splash Sundays|

Splash Sunday 20/08

Concrete Great news article from Concrete. UEA was the only university to have their ranking changed following the appeal and this was a timely and well written piece.- Megan (Marketing & Events Officer) The Student Shakespeare is a Fringe staple, but what happens when you join the drunkenness of Fringe evenings with the Bard's beautiful

By |2017-08-25T16:03:01+00:00August 20 2017|Splash Sundays|

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